Accelerating AI Progress: Introducing Google DeepMind

Announcing Google DeepMind

We live in an era where AI technology and research are advancing at an exponential rate. In the next few years, AI, and eventually AGI, has the potential of driving one of the biggest social, economic, and scientific revolutions in history.

Sundar announced today that DeepMind, the Brain team at Google Research and a new unit named Google DeepMind will join forces. The combination of our talents and effort will accelerate our progress to a world where AI can help solve the most pressing challenges facing humanity. I am incredibly excited to lead this unit and work with you all to build it. We have the opportunity to work closely with colleagues from across Google Product Areas and deliver AI products and research that will improve the lives and industries of billions of individuals, advance science and serve diverse communities.

By creating Google DeepMind I believe that we can achieve this future sooner. We must solve the most difficult scientific and engineering problems of our times to build an AI that is more general and capable. We need to be more agile, to collaborate and execute better, and to simplify our decision-making process to achieve the greatest impact.


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