Revolutionary Robotic Technology Transforming Lung Cancer Treatment and Prevention

The new’revolutionary robotic technology’ helps treat and prevent lung carcinoma in one shot

After anaesthesia, the cancer is treated when patients awaken.

CBS Philadelphia reported that a new robotic technique can detect lung cancer at an early stage and treat it simultaneously.

This new technology is partly responsible for the increase in lung cancer survival rates, according to the American Lung Association annual report. The estimated five-year survival is now at 25%.

Kathleen McGinn is one example of a patient who was able to treat her cancer with the robotic procedure after she had been diagnosed early. McGinn said to CBS, \”I am very optimistic about my future.\”

\”We are now at 25% five-year survival, a significant improvement from 17% in 2015. \”We attribute this improvement to better early detection, improved treatments, and systemic therapy for patients with lung cancer that has spread to other areas of the body,\” Dr. Bobby Mahajan of the American Lung Association stated.

Patients who have never smoked.

Up to 20% of lung cancer patients have never smoked. They have developed the disease due to other factors such as second-hand smoke (second leading cause of cancer), air pollution, and radon.


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