Wave function collapse is consciousness
Consciousness defines our existence. In a way, it is all that we are. The nature of conscious has been debated for many years in various cultures. We still don’t understand it.
Consciousness cannot have evolved Consciousness, according to some, is all-encompassing and includes reality, while the material world is a mere illusion. Others claim that consciousness is an illusion without any sense of phenomenal experiences or conscious control. This view says that we are merely ‘helpless spectators’, like TH Huxley said. There are also those who view the brain as an electronic computer. The brain’s functions have been compared with modern information technologies throughout history, starting with the ancient Greek concept of memory as \”a seal ring\” in wax to telegraph switch circuits, computers, and holograms. Neuroscientists and AI proponents compare the brain with a computer composed of neurons that are simple algorithms, linked by synapses of variable strength. These processes are suitable for ‘autopilot’ functions that don’t require consciousness, but they can’t explain consciousness.
There are also those who believe that consciousness is fundamental and somehow connected to the fine-scale structure and physics in the universe. Roger Penrose, for instance, believes that consciousness is connected to the Objective Reduction Process — the \”collapse of quantum wavefunction\” – a activity at the border between the quantum and the classical realms. Others see these connections as proof of consciousness’s fundamental nature, that it developed before life even existed.
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