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Unlock the Possibilities of Brain-Computer Interfacing with PiEEG – AI Ohool

Unlock the Possibilities of Brain-Computer Interfacing with PiEEG

PiEEG offers affordable brain-computer interface
In the future, we might be able to interact with electronic devices without using physical input, voice commands or even by simply thinking about what we wish to accomplish. Combining brain-computer interfaces with machine learning could help us turn our ideas faster and easier than ever. Imagine being able design a PCB by simply thinking about the finished circuit. BCIs are a life-changing technology for many, as they can be used to assist with disabilities.

BCIs may be in their infancy today, but this doesn’t mean that hackers and makers can’t experiment with the concept. Ildar Rakhmatulin has been working for years on open-source BCIs that are low cost. With the release of his PiEEG, he believes he’s found a solution to allow individuals to experiment with this cutting-edge technology.

Implemented as a shield that can be connected to a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4, the PiEEG features 8 channels for connecting wet or dry electrodes that can measure biosignals such as those used in electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), and electrocardiography (ECG). The reading of these biosignals becomes as simple as running a Python program with the electrodes attached. Although primarily intended for neuroscience experiments, [Ildar] claims that the device can also be used to learn more about signal processing filters and machine learning.


PiEEG Offers Affordable Brain-Computer Interface


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