Tesla Places Gigantic Order of Next-Gen FSD Chips with TSMC to Power Autonomous Vehicles

Tesla reportedly orders massive amounts of TSMC’s next-generation self-driving chip.

Elon is constantly trying to cut costs. To save money, Samsung made the AI chips that are used in Teslas instead of TSMC. (TSMC produces the best chips, but they’re also the most costly.) Twitter’s mass layoffs is another example of Elon saving cash.

Elon has made it clear that he is trying hard to make Full Self-Driving work and that the next generation FSD chips are going to be manufactured by TSMC. Tesla is now the seventh largest customer of TSMC. He wants to switch from the 14 nm chip he uses today to 4/5 nm.

TSMC in Taiwan has reportedly received a large order from Tesla for chips to be used in its next-generation Full Self-Driving computer (FSD). This order could make Tesla TSMC’s largest customer.

In 2016, Tesla began building a team led by the legendary Jim Keller, a chip designer to create its own silicon.

The goal was to create a chip that is super-powerful and efficient to enable self-driving for consumer vehicles, without the need for additional hardware as in the custom-built autonomous cars operated by Waymo and Cruise.


Tesla reportedly places massive order of next-gen self-driving chips with TSMC

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