Help Us Make a Difference: Donate to Earthlings Hub

Please Donate: Thank you to all

In March of this year, a group consisting of educators, psychologists, and scientists started a non-profit educational organization (501 c3) called Earthlings Hub to help children in refugee camps or evacuated orphanages. We have received many requests for assistance and urgently need funds. We would be grateful if you could provide financial support for our program if you have connections with educational and humanitarian charities or your university or company. Please pass this information on to anyone who may be able offer advice or help.

Our advisory board is made up of NASA astronaut Greg Chamitoff. Professor Uri Willensky, Maria Droujkova (an early math educator), AI visionary Joscha Bahch, and many others.

Support Us Blue Marble Space is the fiscal sponsor of Earthlings Hub. CREDIT CARD & PAYPAL Please contact us if you would like to via other means, such as checks, stocks, cryptocurrency, or using your Donor Advised Fund: [email protected]



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