Exploring the Possibilities of Generative AI: From Data Generation to Creative Intelligence

Generative AI: Data Generation to Creative Intelligence

The idea that creativity is the key to being human has been a common one in society, but advances made in Generative Artificial Intelligence have thrown this notion into question. Generative AI, an emerging field, involves creating original content or data by using machine-learning algorithms.

We consider the impact of generative AI on current businesses, and how it could create new ones. Up until recent times, computers were limited to cognitive and analysis roles. Today, algorithms are becoming better at creating original content. The technology is iterative, each iteration builds on the previous one. This increases the algorithm’s potential and makes it exponentially more powerful.

OpenAI is the clear leader in this market. The technology has been hailed as an advanced and refined breed of AI. OpenAI’s flagship products, ChatGPT and DALL-E, were industry disruptors that brought generative AI to the masses. DALL-E lets users create and edit photorealistic images by simply describing the image they wish to see. ChatGPT allows for the same thing, but through text.


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