Exploring the Artistry and Imagination of AI: Computational Creativity

AI and the Art of Ingenuity : Computational Creativity
SYNOPSIS Will a computer be more creative than humans? This compelling program explores the future of creativity and imagination in an age of artificial intelligence. It features artists, musicians and neuroscientists.

PARTICIPANTS: Sougwen Chung, Jesse Engel, Peter Ulric Tse, Lav Varshney.
John Schaefer is the MODERATOR.
Original program date May 31, 2017

WATCH THE TRAILER: https://youtu.be/O6t7I_iVim8

FULL DESCRIPTION: There are robots today that can make art, dance like dancers and tell stories. They even help human chefs create unique recipes. Is there any ingenuity to be found in silicon? Can computers be creative? This event is a rare treat for your senses. It brings together computer scientists and artists who create original works using artificially intelligent machines. They will be joined by experts in neuroscience and psychology to explore the origins of creativity and how it relates to human imagination.

MORE INFO ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND PARTICIPANTS: https://www.worldsciencefestival.com/programs/computational-creativity/

The John Templeton Foundation has made this program possible by funding the Big Ideas Series.


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