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Esper Hand: A Human-Like Prosthetic Arm Controlled by the Mind – AI Ohool

Esper Hand: A Human-Like Prosthetic Arm Controlled by the Mind

Esper Hand, a prosthetic arm \”like a human\”, can be controlled with the mind
Video on prosthetic Esper Hand

Esper Bionics, a New York-based engineering start-up, has developed a flexible mind-controlled prosthetic hand that can learn to suggest the most appropriate grip quicker than other prosthetics.
Esper Bionics robotic arm is lighter and more intelligent than other prosthetics available to amputees. The more the user uses the hand the quicker and better it will suggest the correct grip.

Called Esper Hand, the arm uses an electromyography-based brain-computer interface (BCI) – a computer-based technology system that gathers brain signals and information from nerve stimulation of the muscle.

The sensors are located on the forearms and shoulders of the wearer. They detect the muscle activity, or \”electrical signals\”, and then relay this information to the hand.

on Dezeen: https://www.dezeen.com/?p=1768536

WATCH NEXT: Inflatable robotic hand gives amputees real time tactile control — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1d8i2lwuFw&feature=emb_imp_woyt.

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