By 2029, no computer or \”machine intelligent\” will have passed Turing Test.
Turing Test is a test that determines whether a computer has the ability to successfully impersonate an individual. The Turing Test is a detailed test that relies on the connection of human judges with the test subjects (a person and a computer) only via instant messaging or an equivalent. The only information that will be passed between the parties, is text.
For a computer to pass, it would need to be able communicate via this medium as well as a human. The subject is not restricted; any topic that is within the realm of human experience, whether in reality or imagination, is fair game. The canvas is very wide and covers all the possible topics of conversation, including art, science, history, and relationships with others. Exploring the links between these realms also allows for some unusual, but useful metaphors and analogies. I think that the canvas is so large, it’s impossible to predict when or if a machine will be able paint a picture that can fool a judge.
It is not impossible for a computer to be creative or have a new way of putting things together. This is especially true if you are aware of what people can achieve. Computer scientists often overlook this when they say that computers can be creative. Yes, it is not impossible. Is it likely enough to believe that a computer could pass the Turing Test. My opinion is no. Theoretically, computers appear to be smarter than people when they are judged by those who estimate them as being dumber or more limited.
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