AI Unearths Evidence of Human Use of Fire Nearly 1 Million Years Ago
AI in archaeology: Scientists use algorithms to find evidence of fire use nearly 1,000,000 years ago
Fire was an important factor in the evolution and development of Homo Sapiens. It not only helped to create more advanced tools, but also made food safer. This in turn led to brain development.
Only five sites have so far been discovered with evidence of fire dating back to 500,000 years. These include Wonderwerk Caves in South Africa and Swartkrans, Chesowanja, in Kenya, Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, in Israel, as well as Cueva Negra, in Spain.
A team of Israeli researchers has now used artificial intelligence algorithms in order to find a sixth site which shows evidence of human fire. The study found evidence that humans used fire on a Paleolithic site near Israel. The results of the research have been published by PNAS.