AI Captain Sets Sail: Autonomous Ship Crosses Atlantic Ocean with No Human Crew

An autonomous ship used AI to cross the Atlantic without a human crew

What are the differences? The differences?

The ship is being navigated by an AI on board. The ship is equipped with sensors and cameras to help the AI make smart navigation decisions. Onboard are GPS and radar, as well altitude and depth detectors.

IBM and ProMare, a non-profit marine research organization, collaborated on the ship and its journey. According to IBM’s overview of the ship, the \”AI Captain\” was trained on petabytes worth of data. Its decisions are based upon if/then rule and machine learning models that recognize patterns, but go beyond those standards. The algorithm is able to \”learn from the outcomes of their decisions, make predictions about the future and manage risks.\” It can also integrate e much more inputs than a person could.


An Autonomous Ship Used AI to Cross the Atlantic Without a Human Crew

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