Data Dignity: A New Paradigm for Achieving Universal Basic Income

Should we all be paid for our contributions?

Silicon Valley’s brightest minds think that a universal income (UBI), which guarantees unrestricted cash payment to people, will help them survive and thrive, as technology continues to eliminate jobs, including white collar, creative, and labor roles, such as lawyers, artists, and software engineers. Since 2020, dozens of cities in the United States have implemented guaranteed income programs.

Even Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, and one of its most prominent proponents, does not believe UBI is a solution in itself. He said in a recent sit-down that he believes it’s a small part of the solution. It’s fantastic. As [advanced AI] becomes more important in the economy, I believe we will need to distribute resources and wealth much more than what we currently do. This will become more and more important as time goes on. I don’t believe that will solve the issue. I don’t think this will give people a sense of meaning. I don’t think people will stop creating and doing new things. \”I would call it a technology that enables, not a social plan.\”

In this week’s New Yorker, computer scientist Jaron L. Lanier, who is a pioneer in virtual reality, writes that \”data dignity\” could play a bigger role in finding a solution.


We all contribute to AI — should we get paid for that?

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