Exploring the Potential Dangers of Internet Training Data Used for ChatGPT and Other Generative AI Apps

The Internet Training Data of ChatGPT can be used for non-allied purposes including privacy intrusions, AI ethics and AI law.

Don’t forget to keep your eye on other opportunities. What am I referring to? Gold was the prized possession of many gold prospectors during the Gold Rush. It turns out that only a few people actually found those coveted gold nuggets. It may surprise you to learn that other precious metals can be found while panning for gold. While searching for gold, the fervor to find gold sometimes overpowered the desire to mine other ore such as silver, mercury and other precious metals.

All of it is about data, especially data scanned or mined from the Internet. This data is used to train AI apps that generate data.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and its successor GPT-4, would not exist without the data training done to get AI apps in shape for Natural Language Processing (NLP), and for performing interactive conversations with human beings. Data training involved scanning different parts of the Internet. See my explanation here. The mainstay of ChatGPT is text-to text or text-to essay generative AI. All types of text was scanned in order to discover patterns in how humans use language.

In a minute, I will elaborate on this.


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