Dozer’s new stealth mode helps developers build real-time apps in’minutes’
Data is one of the most valuable resources in the world, underlying everything from digital banking and video recommendation engines to the AI revolution. In a world of data that is increasingly spread across multiple locations, including databases, data warehouses, data lakes, and more, it can be difficult to combine all the data into a format that will work in real-time scenarios.
Applications that do not require instantaneous, real-time access to data can combine and process data at predetermined intervals. The so-called batch data processing can be used to process monthly sales data. But a lot of times, a business will need to have real-time data access as they are created. This is especially important for software for customer service that depends on the latest information for each sale.
Other ride-hail applications also have to process a variety of data in order to connect the rider to a driver. This is not something that can be put off for a few weeks. This type of scenario requires \”stream data processing\” where data is combined and collected for real-time accessibility, which is more difficult to configure.
Dozer exits stealth to help any developer build real-time data apps ‘in minutes’
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