WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry '0' for key 'wp_postmeta.PRIMARY']
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WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry '0' for key 'wp_postmeta.PRIMARY']
INSERT INTO `wp_postmeta` (`post_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (3780, '_oembed_time_dfbd56016606da40c974db0156e15280', '1728718325')

Secure Your Incognito Session on Chrome for Android with Lock Feature – AI Ohool

Secure Your Incognito Session on Chrome for Android with Lock Feature

Chrome for Android lets you lock incognito sessions

Google Chrome has released an update that allows Android users to lock their incognito session with a biometric or password code when they exit the application. Chrome for Android users can now lock their incognito sessions with a password code or biometric information when they exit the app.

This feature can be activated by users going to Chrome Settings, Privacy & security and selecting the \”Lock tabs incognito when closing Chrome\” toggle. The next time a Chrome user closes the browser, his incognito session is automatically locked. You can unlock incognito tabs using the biometric unlock of your phone, such as fingerprint unlock or a lock code.


Chrome for Android now lets you lock your incognito session


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