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Exploring Ray Kurzweil’s Vision for Rewriting Biology with Artificial Intelligence – AI Ohool

Exploring Ray Kurzweil’s Vision for Rewriting Biology with Artificial Intelligence

CHIP Landmark Ideas: Ray Kurzweil
Rewriting Biology using Artificial Intelligence

Ray Kurzweil.

Ray Kurzweil, inventor, futurist, and thinker, has a track record of making accurate predictions for over 30 years. The Wall Street Journal called him \”the restless genuis\” and Forbes magazine described him as \”the ultimate thinking device\”. He was also selected by Inc. magazine as one the top entrepreneurs, while PBS named him one of \”sixteen revolutionary who made America\”. Ray Kurzweil was the inventor of many firsts, including the CCD flat-bed scanner, first omni-font character recognition, first print-to speech reading machine for blind people, first text-tospeech synthesizer and first music synthe Ray has received a Grammy Award and the National Medal of Technology for his outstanding contributions to music technology. He was also inducted into National Inventors Hall of Fame. Ray holds 21 honorary doctorates as well as honors from 3 U.S. Presidents. Ray is the author of five best-selling national books, including The Singularity Is Near (2005 New York Times bestseller) and How To Create a Mind (2012). He is a co-founder of Singularity Group, a principal researcher and AI visionary at Google and looks at the long-term effects of technology on society.

The Computational Health Informatics Program is a program that aims to improve the health of people through computerized systems.

CHIP was founded in 1994 as a multidisciplinary research and education program by Boston Children’s Hospital. Please visit our website at www.chip.org for more information.

The CHIP Landmark Ideas Series.



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